Thursday, January 16, 2025


The phrase fi sabilillah
 (فِي سَبِيلِ ٱللَّٰهِ, fī sabīli llāhi) 
is an Arabic expression meaning
 "in the cause of Allah", or more befittingly, 
"for the sake of Allah".


Can the Hadiths which mention the virtues of “فى سبيل الله” be used for encouraging spending time in tabligh and in jama’ah (khuruj fi sabilillah)?



In our opinion, this is correct.

 The Hadiths which mention the virtues of ‘Going out in the path of Allah’ could be used for tabligh as well as other avenues of good.

When the words “في سبيل الله” appear in Hadith, it could apply to the chapter of jihad as well other avenues of good.

 This is substantiated by the following [as well as other such proofs]:

1) Imam Bukhari (rahimahullah) has included a chapter in his Sahih titled:

 “باب المشي إلى الجمعة” 


i.e., “The chapter on the [virtue] of walking for Jumu’ah. In this chapter he has cited the following Hadith:


Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “Whosoever gets his feet dusty in the path of Allah, Allah will make the Fire forbidden upon him.”

(Sahih Buhari, Hadith: 907)


In this instance, Imam Bukhari (rahimahullah) has included walking for Jumu’ah under 

“في سبيل الله”


2) The very same Hadith has also been cited by Imam Bukhari (rahimahullah) in Kitabul Jihad, under the chapter,

 “The chapter regarding one whose feet become dusty in the path of Allah”

(Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 2811)

By quoting the very same Hadith in both chapters, Imam Bukhari (rahimahullah) is demonstrating that the words

 “في سبيل الله” is applicable in the jihad context as well as other avenues of good.

3) The very next chapter in Kitabul Jihad is “The chapter on wiping the dust off the body while in the path [of Allah].” 

 To prove the permissibility of wiping the dust off which may come on a person while in jihad, 

Imam Bukhari (rahimahullah) quotes a Hadith which states that Sayyiduna ‘Ammar ibn Yasir (radiyallahu ‘anhuma) and other Sahabah (radiyallahu ‘anhum) were constructing a Masjid. 

Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) passed by and wiped the dust off Sayyiduna ‘Ammar’s (radiyallahu ‘anhu) face.


Imam Bukhari (rahimahullah) concludes from here that constructing a Masjid is such a deed that those who are physically involved in it will be regarded to be in the path of Allah. 

Since Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) wiped the dust off Sayyiduna ‘Ammar’s (radiyallahu ‘anhu) forehead this shows the permissibility of wiping the dust off when in the path of Allah.

(Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 2812)


By citing a Hadith regarding constructing a Masjid in the chapter of jihad, 

Imam Bukhari (rahimahullah) has demonstrated  that the words 

“في سبيل الله” 

can be used in a jihad context as well as for other avenues of good.

Those narrations which specifically discuss the virtues of fighting and the context of the Hadith explains that the huge reward mentioned in that particular narration is for when a person’s life is at risk, should be quoted for jihad only.

 General narrations which discuss the virtues of going out in the path of Allah, could be used for tabligh and other noble works.


And Allah Ta’ala Knows best.


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