Wednesday, August 21, 2024




Lemons also have antimicrobial effects, 

which may help tame Propionibacterium acnes bacteria that lead to inflammatory acne.


 At the same time, lemon also has antifungal effects, 

which may help treat Candida rashes as well as scalp fungus that sometimes occurs with seborrheic dermatitis.


Treatment of Acne


Lemon juice has astringent qualities due to its acidic composition. 


 Lemons, for example, have a low pH and can help decrease inflammation and oil, both of which can contribute to acne production. 


Additionally, lemons contain citric acid, an AHA that helps to break down the dead skin cells that are responsible for acne.

Lightening Dark Spots


Blemishes on the face are unpleasant and difficult to eliminate. 


Fortunately, lemon juice contains citric acid, which can gradually eliminate blemishes and level out skin tone. 


If you get lemon juice in any open scrapes or scratches on your face, it will sting, so be careful!


Increased Collagen Production

Citrus fruit is also said to be a natural approach to boosting collagen in the face. 


Collagen is a protein that dissolves naturally with age, causing fine lines and wrinkles. As an antioxidant, vitamin C may aid in the prevention of free radical damage to collagen, resulting in smoother skin.


Preventing Oily Skin

Oily skin is a frequent and inconvenient beauty problem. 


To minimise the shine on the foreheads, noses, and chins, many various procedures have been explored, many without success. 


Applying some diluted lemon juice on your face can help curb excess oil quickly and effectively. 

Try this method before going to bed.

 Wash your face first thing in the morning. 


This procedure will help to keep your skin from becoming too greasy.

DIY Skincare with Lemon


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